Do you know someone who pushes your buttons and gets you riled up' Do you hate it when you get angry with your parents or kids' Do you end up in difficult situations because of rage' Understanding your emotional spectrum will enable you to build better relationships, helping you know when to think logically and when to allow emotions. Discover a calmer self and work through your feelings. During this workshop, you will identify behaviors leading to anger, participate in group discussions, and find many solutions. The discussion will raise collective awareness and help create an agreement about acceptable behaviors for yourself in various situations.
Do you know someone who pushes your buttons and gets you riled up' Do you hate it when you get angry with your parents or kids' Do you end up in difficult situations because of rage' Understanding your emotional spectrum will enable you to build better relationships, helping you know when to think logically and when to allow emotions. Discover a calmer self and work through your feelings. During this workshop, you will identify behaviors leading to anger, participate in group discussions, and find many solutions. The discussion will raise collective awareness and help create an agreement about acceptable behaviors for yourself in various situations.