Unkahay Alfaz - Unspoken Words
About The Session

Unkahay Alfaz is a platform that will allow our participants to channel their inner voices in a creative manner and to start a conversation about concerns and demands that are deemed taboo in our culture that are burdening us.Participants will be allowed to present a piece in the form of a poem, musical sketch, skit, story or spoken word to express their thoughts about what the terms taboo along with life, dreams, freedom and flight mean to them. The platform will allow the audience to utilize art to create awareness and highlight related issues in a creative manner.

About The Facilitators

Amna Salim
Amna is a core member of Baithak- Challenging Taboos, an organization that has been working towards increasing awareness about reproductive health rights in Karachi and Sindh. She has facilitated sessions with both men and women, which have not only increased the audience's level of awareness on these topics but has also empowered them to make informed decisions when it comes to important issues. She is also the co-creator of Nisa Kahaniyan, a comic book series which aims to educate young girls about sensitive topics like puberty and menstruation in a more culturally appropriate manner.

Syeda Kisa Zehra Zaidi
Syeda Kisa Zehra Zaidi is a public health nutritionist and a free-style Urdu poet. She utilises her public speaking skills and poetry to create awareness regarding social issues. Her latest work was on marriage rights awareness and gender-based violence. Along with that, she has been an active member of Baithak-challenging taboos, an NGO working for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), gender-based violence (GBV) and many other taboos that exist in our society.

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