The Numbing of the Male Heart - the Paradox of Masculinity
About The Session

A conversation exploring the fragility of the masculine identity. What does it mean to “be a man” in today’s world? We will talk about the pressures that so many men experience to continuously re-prove their masculine identity- not by choice, but by culture. This in turn leaves no room for vulnerability and the repression of the feelings numbs the male heart. We will dive deep into the perils of this numbing and navigating our way out of it.

About The Facilitator

Adnan Malik
Adnan has worn many hats but his desire for mental & emotional wellness has always been a driving force in his life. Known primarily as an actor & director he uses his platform to bring awareness to gender, masculinity & mental health.
Recently he has moved towards more 'intentional living' bringing in rich & varied experiences through ancient spiritual/transformational practices- meditation, body work, emotional release & breath work.
Adnan is part of conscious masculinity circles across the globe, has conducted workshops at KWF 21, Yoga Well & has assisted in transformational workshops in Europe.

Muzaffar Ali Shah Bukhari
Muzaffar is an ICF Certified Coach, RYT 200 Yoga Teacher (Bali) and a practicing therapist having completed his advanced diploma in Humanistic Integrative Counseling from CPPD, UK. He is also the founder principle of VLC(Veritas Learning Circle).

Jasmyn Rana
Jasmyn Rana is an Australian trained psychotherapist. Her specialized area of interest is couples work. She has spent over 10 years working with couples, adults, groups and corporations, as well as teaching at university level, and conducting clinical supervision. Jasmyn’s primary modality is relationally integrative and psychodynamic. Some of her recent work involves the jungian perspective of integrating both the masculine and feminine within each of us, in group based settings. Her passion for the therapuetic process is rooted in the potential for change and the belief in our unconscious desire toward consciousness.

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Veritas Learning Circle