Sound Bath for Anxiety & Stress
About The Session

Experience a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that uses sound frequencies to take you on a powerfully therapeutic and restorative journey to nurture and soothe your mind, body, emotions, and spirit A Sound Bath is an immersive sound-guided meditation that taps into the subconscious to aid the body, mind, soul, and spirit in finding deep relaxation, restoration, and renewal. As we relax, we release what is no longer serving and connect to what is really important, revealing truths and answers that too often are buried in our relentless activity and overthinking.

About The Facilitator

Mansoor Ahmed is a Meditation Teacher and a Sound Healing practitioner. Having completed his diploma in Sound Healing from the Sound Healing Academy in the U.K, he has had several Sound Healing and Meditation sessions in the Caribbean as well as at his own studio in Karachi.

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