People of Alhamdulillah: Parent and child gratitude Practice
About The Session

This session is for all those families that relate wellness with faith. We will be discussing the meaning of Alhumdolillah with real life examples and linking being grateful with wellness. The parent child duo will then be making a take home craft: Alhumdolillah tree.

About The Facilitator

Sumaira Hanzala
Sumaira Hanzala has completed her “Bunyaad” and “Tajweed” certifications from Al Ilm Institute. She leads the “Perceptions” classes at Al- Ilm focusing on embarking Islamic Knowledge to young ones. Currently, she is also a Deen Facilitator where she spreads the fundamentals of Islam to the students.

Adiya Amjad
Adiya Amjad is an IBA graduate and has worked at several Non Profits like TCF and Aman Foundation. Her passion has been to work for improving education at grass root levels in Pakistan. She is also an Emerging Leaders of Pakistan fellow- cohort 2014. Currently, she is a Deen Facilitator where she indulges in creating love for Allah in little hearts as her true calling!

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