Parenting Your Now
About The Session

Parenting is not simple, but you may have come across 'magic hacks'. There is no manual which could transcribe your methodology and every relationship is unique. Immerse yourself into the power of now and learn how to, Regulate yourself as a parent. Love yourself as a parent. And, Forgive yourself as a parent. Parent your Now to parent your children.

About The Facilitator

Rabia Aziz is the Founder of an online support movement called Special Needs Pakistan created in 2013 for individuals to raise awareness on Inclusion. She is a motivational speaker, facilitator, social worker and professional. She has spoken at many diverse platforms from Facebook, TEDx, WOW (Women of the World), Ponds, Unilever, Beyond Beauty, Special Olympics Pakistan, Wibcon, USAid, MatrixFit, Govt & Educational institutions among other platforms. She has had the privilege of mentoring both at Facebook and as a Ponds Miracle Woman.

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