Keep Calm and Shake the Stress Out (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises
About The Session

The gentle exercises are designed to fatigue the core muscles of the body. This creates a response of involuntary movements within the body to shake out stored tension. This is a group practice and participants are expected to experience subtle vibrations, tremors, and shaking to downregulate their nervous system to rest and digest state. This session is not suitable for those with acute trauma and distress or with recent surgeries and acute pain or mobility concerns.

About The Facilitator

'Nadia works closely with individuals, couples as well as organizations to improve employee morale, wellness and productivity. As a pioneer in Pakistan for TRE, Nadia has built hundreds of hours of TRE experience and has assisted at an individual, couple, group and organizational level to release their daily stresses and trapped trauma that impacts their lives and wellbeing. Nadia believes the body has the ability to heal when permitted and is passionate about empowering people with tools that will support their wellbeing throughout their life.

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