Just Like Me: Group Meditation
About The Session

This group practice offers an opportunity to experience the joy and freedom that comes from connecting with others, regardless of age, gender, social class, race and all the other things that keep us feeling separate from each other and excluded from the experiencing the beauty of our interconnectedness.

About The Facilitator

Shahbano is a mindfulness practitioner and facilitator, trained in Jon Kabat Zinn’s MBSR program at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies/University of Toronto and has recently completed a two year “Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Certification Program” led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. Prior to this she worked in banking and the management of non-profit organizations and has raised two children with her husband while moving across the globe (UK, Africa, Middle East and Canada).
Shahbano has a particular interest in developing offerings in Urdu as a means of making them accessible to the larger community.

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Veritas Learning Circle