Jumpstart Your Imagination: Sketching Saturdays
About The Session

'Feeling in a rut? Do you feel unable to fulfil what your heart really wants? Or what you truly deeply desire to do? Join us for 90 minutes of unshackled thinking-feeling-doing as we indulge in sketching with a dash of conversation around art-n-design, tapping into our multiple-brains to explore our latent creative talents, well-being while letting-go of preconceived notions about ourselves. This is not an instructional art session, but experiential in nature where we will be exploring our individual creative expressions, using meditative balanced-breathing to bring our head, heart and gut together in harmony, to enhance our experiences and learning.'

About The Facilitator

As a Certified NLP Master Practitioner and mBit Coach, with 25+ years in advertising & design, Adnan brings a unique insight to life-coaching and well-being.

He conducts one-on-one life-coaching and creative-thinking workshops. On the weekends, he brings together his experience of multi-braining, NLP and life-coaching in a meditative and experiential gathering where people put aside all preconceptions and limiting beliefs about their latent creative skills and simply have fun with art.

He also dives into design/creative collaborations when he’s not coaching or conducting workshops.

Amina Adnan is a remedial therapist, Trainee therapist at CPPD, Clinical Trauma Specialist Individual, NLP Practitioner and whimsical artist.

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