Flex Your Abilities
About The Session

The session will cover many of the challenges, sensory; communicative; social and experiential, that persons with disabilities face today, as well as the impact these challenges have on their quality of life and well-being. Flex.abilities offers a unique opportunity for many persons with disabilities to overcome such challenges through the practice of hatha yoga. Open to all, the session will aim to enlighten attendees as to the specific (and multiple) benefits of hatha yoga for persons living with disabilities, and the constructive impact it can have on their lives.

About The Facilitator

Nehel Lali is a development professional with extensive experience in the healthcare sector, both nationally and internationally. Ms. Lali obtained her Bachelor’s in Sociology & Anthropology from Ohio Wesleyan University, and her Master"s from SOAS, University of London. After several years practising yoga with her younger brother, who has autism and down syndrome, she sought to get certified and embarked on a mission to offer all persons with diverse needs and abilities the opportunity to Flex their Abilities!

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Veritas Learning Circle