Caregivers Anonymous : A Support circle for families with children with neurodiversity/Special needs
About The Session

Caregiving is not easy, especially when we are holding space for children with neurodiversity. It is consistent hard work and while we are consumed in this process of caregiving, how do we navigate through our own experiences, emotions and needs? This space is an invitation to come together to explore, bring forth experiences and find support through community.

About The Facilitators

Huzaifa Khan
Huzaifa is the Lead for Inclusion at Veritas Learning Circle and a Facilitator in their elementary school. He has completed his Certificate in Integrated Humanistic Counseling from the Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB UK). Huzaifa began his self-healing journey from an early age and discovered his passion for working with children. He actively works towards and envisions an inclusive world, determined to improve the quality of life for every child out there. He loves the color blue and catching a cool evening breeze.

Muhammad Rehan Agar
Mohammad Rehan Agar is a Registered Behavior Technician, with a Masters in Special Education. He has been working as Special Educator for the past 5 years and currently works as a Program Coach for Inclusion at Veritas Learning Circle. Although bonding with children is what he thinks he does best, he is quite driven by Urdu poetry and is a budding poet himself.

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Veritas Learning Circle