Bending Reality with ThetaHealing Technique
About The Session

This session is open for ordinary people who believe they have the potential to be extraordinary. To bend your reality, it is important to trust the connection between power of human mind and the universal energy. In this interactive session, we will activate our Theta Brain wave using ThetaHealing technique and experience energy work to nourish our mind, body and spirit.Some of the things that the participants will practice during the session are: ancestral communication, intuitive body scans, remote healing with ThetaHealing.

About The Facilitator

Sana Naseem is the CEO of Quanta Mind, a technology and wellness company. She is a licensed ThetaHealing Instructor from THInK USA, and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Greater Good Science Center, University of Berkley USA. Through her teaching and consultations, Sana has assisted people globally in focusing on identifying and taking a closer look at life patterns, to overcome the challenges in their lives. She has guided people in establishing synergies between business, family and personal well-being by drawing on her more than 10 years of entrepreneurial and self-transformation experience.

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